About Rubyraccoon

This website is a personal project of mine. The contents are focused on Jamf Pro and Jamf Connect, as well as any integrations with these two softwares. This site will also have some personal projects of mine as well as not entirely Jamf related content.

I like to do write tutorials for things that aren’t well explained, as well as work on silly and/or complicated technical projects and thought it’d be nice to show some of them off. There’s also going to be a fair amount of “how-to’s” on this website. This used to be a resume website, but I got bored with that and decided to make a blog. This will hopefully be useful to some folks. I’d like to pay the internet back for the enormous wealth of information and help I’ve received from other folks who decided to make their own blog and post about random technical shenanigans.

For legal reasons, any and all content or information that includes references to any software or workflows owned by or documented by Jamf Software is purely my own opinion. Nothing in this website constitutes as official Jamf support, documentation, or best practices. If you send in a link from this site to Jamf Support, they will say “that is a third party website and we cannot support anything on it.” Beyond that, nothing on this site is officially supported or offered with any guarantee. Use all information on this site at your own risk.